The gravity of the century

We invite you to watch the attraction of the century

The gravity of the century

We invite you to watch the attraction of the century

The gravity of the century


مطالب پربحث‌تر

۱۲ مطلب با موضوع «World leader» ثبت شده است

                                                                                                                                                                         ?Who is the most powerful leader of the world

  • mohammad reza markazi

Who is


Hussain (PBUH) was a 7th century revolutionary leader who made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. The one who was killed to help and lead humanity to the truth. The one whose son will finally save the world alongside Jesus Christ according to Muslims. A future promised by all prophets and believed by all religions and hearts in the world
  • mohammad reza markazi